Asphalt shingles have become a staple in modern residential construction due to their durability, affordability, and aesthetic appeal. In this comprehensive guide, we, at Kanga Roof, will delve into the intricate processes and materials that make up these roofing marvels.

1. Introduction to Asphalt Shingles

Asphalt shingles, a key offering from many roofing companies in Columbia MD, are a popular roofing material renowned for their durability, fire-resistance, and cost-effectiveness. Made primarily from asphalt, fiberglass, and mineral granules, they offer homeowners a robust protective layer against the elements.

2. The Core Components

Fiberglass Matting

The backbone of an asphalt shingle is its fiberglass matting. This matting provides the shingle’s primary structural integrity and strength. Chosen for its resistance to tearing and its lightweight properties, it’s a component that sets the standard for Roof Experts Columbia.


Coating the fiberglass mat is a thick layer of asphalt. This acts as a waterproofing agent, ensuring no moisture penetrates through to the roof’s structure. Kanga Roof ensures that it’s the asphalt that gives the shingle its characteristic weight and flexibility, thus ensuring the longevity of the Columbia Maryland.

Mineral Granules

Mineral granules are pressed into the asphalt layer, providing the shingle with its texture and color. These granules also play a crucial role in protecting the shingle from UV damage, ensuring longevity.

3. The Production Process

Step 1: Preparing the Fiberglass Matting

Fiberglass sheets are rolled out and fed into a coater, ensuring uniformity.

Step 2: Asphalt Application

The matting then goes through a saturation process, where it’s immersed in hot asphalt, ensuring it’s thoroughly coated.

Step 3: Adding the Mineral Granules

As the asphalt-coated matting moves along the production line, mineral granules are evenly spread across its surface. Some shingles may have additional materials, such as algae-resistant granules, added at this stage.

Step 4: Cooling and Cutting

The coated mat is then cooled, after which it’s cut into individual shingles, ready for packaging.

4. The Various Types of Asphalt Shingles

Three-Tab Shingles

The most basic and economical form, three-tab shingles are flat with only one layer and have cutouts, or tabs, made along their long bottom edge.

Architectural Shingles

Also known as dimensional shingles, they are made of two or more layers and have a more sculpted appearance.

Luxury Shingles

These are high-end shingles that resemble more expensive roofing materials like cedar or slate but benefit from asphalt’s durability and the expertise of leading roofing contractors in Columbia.

5. Advantages of Asphalt Shingles

  • Durability: Can last between 20-30 years with proper maintenance.
  • Cost-effective: Among the most affordable roofing options.
  • Versatility: Available in a myriad of styles, textures, and colors.
  • Fire-resistant: They can be designed to resist external fire threats.

6. Conclusion

Asphalt shingles represent a fusion of design, affordability, and durability, making them an ideal choice for homeowners. Their multifaceted production process ensures that each shingle is optimally designed to protect and beautify homes for decades. At Kanga Roof, we strive to provide the best in roofing solutions for our valued clients.