Flat roofs are less expensive to install than pitched roofs, and they can help reduce energy costs by providing a larger surface area for insulating materials and an ideal solution for many types of buildings. They’re more durable, flexible and energy efficient than sloped roofs. Flat roofs can be built with a variety of materials, PVC membranes, TPO membranes and EPDM

They tend to last longer than other types of roofing because there is no pitch to wear away. Still, flat roofs require regular maintenance in order to stay healthy and perform well over time. With proper maintenance you can ensure your flat roof is long lasting.

The following guidelines will help you maintain your flat roof in peak condition:

Ensure proper water drainage

Ensuring proper water drainage is paramount for any flat roof. If you have gutters, make sure they’re clean and clear of debris. Also, make sure the downspouts are clear of debris, and that they’re not clogged with leaves or other debris. A clogged gutter can lead to roof damage—and a lot of hassle for you!

Keep the gutters and downspouts in good repair

  • While a flat roof is a great choice for your home, it does require some maintenance to ensure that it remains functional.Some things to keep in mind:
  • When cleaning out gutters, make sure you do this at least once per year before winter sets in and you get hit with a snowstorm. This will prevent any buildup on the inside of your gutters from being carried away by water pressure during heavy rainfall or snowstorms.
  • Do not use a leaf blower to clean out your gutters—or any other equipment that blasts air at high speed into them! The force of such equipment can cause damage to both your gutter system and your roofing material itself, so stick with simpler tools like rakes and brooms when clearing debris from your roof surface area or drain spouts near eaves troughs (which collect water overflowing from Eavestrough).

Clear any debris and dirt from the flat roof surface

  • If you find a leak, check the gutters and downspouts to ensure that they are clean, clear of debris and debris hasn’t filled them up. Make sure they are draining properly, with water flowing properly away from your home.
  • Look at flashing around chimneys and other areas where water could enter through pipes in walls or ceilings; replace if necessary so no gaps exist between pipes/electrical conduits/etc., which may allow moisture in these areas to cause mold growth inside walls or ceilings behind drywall panels such as sheetrock ceiling tiles; this can be especially problematic when living spaces directly above flat roofs have high humidity levels like bathrooms do since these tend to be closed off from ventilated areas like kitchens & dining rooms above them where air circulation can occur more easily due to fans being installed near windows.

Conduct regular inspections

The goal of regular inspections should be to spot any problems before they can do serious damage. If you notice that one part of your roof has been worn away, for example, then it’s important to take action as soon as possible. This is especially true if you’re unsure how long it’s been damaged and whether or not someone else may have noticed what you’ve missed. Most flat roofs are made from a material called TPO (thermoplastic polyolefin), which is generally quite durable, but will wear out over time if not cared for properly.

Reseal seams and flashing

Leaks at the seams are one of the most common causes for a flat roof to leak. Leaks happen in two places: between the panels, and at the seams where flashing is used to cover them. Seams can be difficult to detect, so it’s important to check them on a regular basis.

Flashing is metal or plastic that covers the seam between two different surfaces such as a wall and your roofing material. The purpose of flashing is to divert water away from this joint so it doesn’t seep down into your home’s interior space. If you notice water stains around flashing on your own property, you may want to investigate further because this could indicate that there’s been an undetected leak occurring there for some time now which could cause serious damage if left unchecked

Maintain a clean roof surface

  • Remove debris, leaves, and dirt.
  • Use a broom or blower to remove loose material from the roof surface.
  • Use a pressure washer to remove dirt from the surface of your flat roof. If you have a large amount of dirt on your roof, it is important that you use a low-pressure nozzle so as not to damage your shingles or any other part of the building structure underneath where water may leak through if left alone for too long! Also make sure not to use high-pressure when cleaning because this can cause damage even more quickly than just using low pressure alone due to how fast those droplets travel at high speed across such large surfaces like those found on most residential homes today.

Consider using a bleach solution instead of just plain water when cleaning up algae growths because this tends on average give better results without damaging any nearby structures underneath like walls made out concrete blocks might suffer if exposed directly onto them without any sort of protection first being applied beforehand.

Repair damaged or worn membrane areas immediately.

You should repair the damaged or worn membrane areas immediately. This can be done by a roofer, yourself or a professional, depending on the level of damage. Repairing damaged membranes is much cheaper than replacing them and should always be considered before doing so.

Because flat roofs are exposed to the elements, they require more maintenance than other types of roofs. The best way to ensure that your flat roof is properly maintained is by hiring professional contractors. However, even if you hire a company to maintain your flat roof, it’s still important for homeowners to have some knowledge of their own home’s structure so they can spot problems before they become serious issues.

FREE Flat Roof REPAIR vs. REPLACEMENT Quiz here!

It will help you make a wise decision on what to do in reference to your roof.

A-1 Roofing’s Kangaroof offers a comprehensive service and a fair price.

  • Purchase a roof inspection for $200 along with a written report.
  • Receive a $20,000 Guarantee when we do a roof replacement for you.
  • Learn about our cost-effective Roofing Systems for your home.

Call us at 410-799-1600 today if you have any questions about your roof or need to schedule an inspection.