A solid, intact roof is a fundamental necessity for any structure. While roofs are designed to withstand various elements, they are not immune to damage. Understanding the most common causes of roof damage is imperative for homeowners, facility managers, and property investors alike. At Kanga Roof, we pride ourselves on our deep understanding of these issues. In this guide, we delve into these causes, equipping you with the knowledge to identify, prevent, and address them effectively.

1. Harsh Weather Conditions


High winds can lift the edges of roof shingles, making them susceptible to breakage or being completely torn off. Once the protective shingles are compromised, the underlying materials are exposed to the elements, leading to further deterioration.


Water is one of the roof’s biggest enemies. When it penetrates underlaid materials, it can lead to mold, mildew, and rot, weakening the roof’s structural integrity. Residents in areas like roofing Columbia MD are especially aware of rain’s impact. Proper drainage and regular inspection are crucial to preventing rain-related roof damage.

Snow and Ice

Ice dams can form at the edge of roofs, preventing melting snow from draining off. The water can then seep underneath the shingles, leading to leaks and damage to the interior ceilings and walls.


Hailstones, even small ones, can cause significant damage to roofs. They can puncture or crack shingles, leading to immediate and long-term damage.

2. Prolonged UV Exposure

Over time, the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays can deteriorate roofing materials, making them brittle and more susceptible to cracks and other damages. This degradation is often seen in roofs that are in areas with high sun exposure, something a roofing company Columbia MD, like Kanga Roof, frequently addresses.

3. Trees and Overhanging Limbs

Trees that loom over roofs can pose several risks:

  • Falling branches can cause direct damage.
  • Leaves can accumulate, leading to mold and mildew.
  • Over time, they can also clog gutters, causing water to back up and seep beneath the roofing materials.

4. Improper Installation

A poorly installed roof can lead to myriad problems, from leaks to complete failure in extreme conditions. This is why it’s vital to choose reputable roofing contractors Columbia MD, such as Kanga Roof, to ensure correct installation and material choice.

5. Aging and Wear

Like everything, roofs have a lifespan. As they age, the materials can start to deteriorate, making them less effective at protecting your home or building from the elements.

6. Animals and Pests

Birds, raccoons, squirrels, and insects can cause unexpected roof damage. They might peck, gnaw, and burrow, leading to significant structural issues if not addressed promptly.

7. Lack of Maintenance

Regular inspections and maintenance are pivotal in extending the life of your roof. Ignoring minor issues can lead to major, costly damages down the line.

8. Mechanical Damage

This often stems from human activities, such as walking on the roof or installing equipment like satellite dishes without proper care. Such actions can damage the roof, making it vulnerable to leaks.

In Conclusion

Being proactive in understanding and addressing the common causes of roof damage can save substantial time and money in the long run. With regular maintenance, immediate attention to minor issues, and understanding the potential threats, you can ensure the longevity and efficacy of your roof. Make sure to consult with experts, such as Kanga Roof, to address your roofing concerns efficiently.